What's Happening at the Jessamine County Historical Society

January 23rd Quarterly Meeting: The Jessamine County Historical Society is pleased to present Betsy Smith, playing Jemima Boone - Life on the Frontier, as guest speaker for our January 23, 2020 Quarterly Meeting. Instead of meeting at our office, the event will be held at the Jessamine County Public Library, located at 600 South Main Street, Nicholasville, Kentucky, beginning at 6:30 PM. Everyone is invited to join us for this fun and informative presentation.
It's time for your Membership Renewal: Please don't forget to renew your annual $20.00 membership. The total amount of your dues goes toward maintaining your Jessamine County Historical Society. Without you, we could not exist. If you have friends or family that are interested in Jessamine County, please encourage them to join the Society. Click on the Membership & Sponsorship tab for an application to either mail or drop off at our office.
Quarterly Meetings: Due to the illness of several of our members, we will begin having quarterly business meetings instead of monthly meetings until further notice. We will still have our weekly informal Thursday afternoon meetings each week between 1:00 and 3:00 PM. Please feel free to join us.
Book SALE - Cash or Check ONLY: The Jessamine County Historical Society has been blessed with a very large donation of vintage and antique books from Robert & Dorothy Swintosky Zuck. The proceeds from the sale of these books will raise funds for the operations of the Society. The books range in dates from 1814 to the 1960's. The fiction novels include romance, detective and crime, drama, mysteries, and westerns. The non-fiction books include biographies, autobiographies, WWI, WWII, US and world history, school books, encyclopedias, and poetry. Some of the authors include Edgar Allan Poe, Zane Grey, Peter Field, Kathleen Norris, Ernest Hemingway, Nathaniel Hawthorn, Agatha Christie, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Max Brand, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, E Phillips Oppenheim, and a host of others. The vast majority are first editions. We apologize that we cannot accept credit cards. Books will be for sale during our regular weekly meetings on Thursday afternoons between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Our office is located at 216 N Main Street, Farmers Square, Nicholasville, KY. These books originally came from the old Withers Memorial Library located on Main Street, Nicholasville. See the Jessamine County Facts & Links tab for more information about the library and the books. If you would like a piece of Jessamine County history or possibly a book that is out of print, this will be the sale to attend! More titles will be added as they are readied for sale, so please visit often.
Howard Fain Prints for Sale: The Jessamine County Historical Society has Howard Fain prints for sale. Please see our "For Sale" tab for a list of available prints. You may contact us for prices, shipping cost, and pick up arrangements at JessamineHistorical@gmail.com, or phone us at 859-885-6240 or 859-361-2867.
Jessamine County Pictorial History Book 2016: The new Jessamine County Pictorial History Book 2016 is available for purchase through our office. It can be obtained by stopping by our office on Thursday afternoons between 1:00 & 3:00 pm, or by printing an order form & mailing to our office. Please see the link on our "For Sale" website page.
Offutt Family Cemetery: Thanks to the hard work of Ernestine Hamm, the Offutt Family Cemetery has been found and cleaned up. There were several broken stones that have been pieced together. The full story by Mr. Tom Eblen with the Lexington Herald Leader can be accessed by clicking the following link: http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/fayette-county/article111348312.html
Kroger Community Rewards Program Annual Re-enrollment: Thanks to all that have supported the Jessamine County Historical Society through this very worthwhile program. New participants may enroll at www.kroger.com/communityrewards or call 1-800-KROGERS and choose option #3. The Kroger Community Rewards Program, which is completely free, allows the Society to receive monies based upon our members' purchases. We encourage everyone to enroll their Kroger Plus cards and select the Jessamine County Historical & Genealogical Society as their preferred donation organization. The printable PDF instructions may be obtained by clicking here.
Grant Funds: We have been informed that you will see a new box you may check on your Kentucky State Income Tax form. It is now possible to designate a portion of your state income tax refund to the Kentucky Local History Fund. The Jessamine County Historical and Genealogical Society qualifies to receive grant funds from this fund, which is overseen by the Kentucky Historical Society. Please feel free to stop by the office for more information.
Membership Renewal: Please don't forget to renew your annual $20.00 membership. The total amount of your dues goes toward maintaining your Jessamine County Historical Society. Without you, we could not exist. If you have friends or family that are interested in Jessamine County, please encourage them to join the Society. Click on the Membership & Sponsorship tab for an application to either mail or drop off at our office.
It's time for your Membership Renewal: Please don't forget to renew your annual $20.00 membership. The total amount of your dues goes toward maintaining your Jessamine County Historical Society. Without you, we could not exist. If you have friends or family that are interested in Jessamine County, please encourage them to join the Society. Click on the Membership & Sponsorship tab for an application to either mail or drop off at our office.
Quarterly Meetings: Due to the illness of several of our members, we will begin having quarterly business meetings instead of monthly meetings until further notice. We will still have our weekly informal Thursday afternoon meetings each week between 1:00 and 3:00 PM. Please feel free to join us.
Book SALE - Cash or Check ONLY: The Jessamine County Historical Society has been blessed with a very large donation of vintage and antique books from Robert & Dorothy Swintosky Zuck. The proceeds from the sale of these books will raise funds for the operations of the Society. The books range in dates from 1814 to the 1960's. The fiction novels include romance, detective and crime, drama, mysteries, and westerns. The non-fiction books include biographies, autobiographies, WWI, WWII, US and world history, school books, encyclopedias, and poetry. Some of the authors include Edgar Allan Poe, Zane Grey, Peter Field, Kathleen Norris, Ernest Hemingway, Nathaniel Hawthorn, Agatha Christie, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Max Brand, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, E Phillips Oppenheim, and a host of others. The vast majority are first editions. We apologize that we cannot accept credit cards. Books will be for sale during our regular weekly meetings on Thursday afternoons between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Our office is located at 216 N Main Street, Farmers Square, Nicholasville, KY. These books originally came from the old Withers Memorial Library located on Main Street, Nicholasville. See the Jessamine County Facts & Links tab for more information about the library and the books. If you would like a piece of Jessamine County history or possibly a book that is out of print, this will be the sale to attend! More titles will be added as they are readied for sale, so please visit often.
Howard Fain Prints for Sale: The Jessamine County Historical Society has Howard Fain prints for sale. Please see our "For Sale" tab for a list of available prints. You may contact us for prices, shipping cost, and pick up arrangements at JessamineHistorical@gmail.com, or phone us at 859-885-6240 or 859-361-2867.
Jessamine County Pictorial History Book 2016: The new Jessamine County Pictorial History Book 2016 is available for purchase through our office. It can be obtained by stopping by our office on Thursday afternoons between 1:00 & 3:00 pm, or by printing an order form & mailing to our office. Please see the link on our "For Sale" website page.
Offutt Family Cemetery: Thanks to the hard work of Ernestine Hamm, the Offutt Family Cemetery has been found and cleaned up. There were several broken stones that have been pieced together. The full story by Mr. Tom Eblen with the Lexington Herald Leader can be accessed by clicking the following link: http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/counties/fayette-county/article111348312.html
Kroger Community Rewards Program Annual Re-enrollment: Thanks to all that have supported the Jessamine County Historical Society through this very worthwhile program. New participants may enroll at www.kroger.com/communityrewards or call 1-800-KROGERS and choose option #3. The Kroger Community Rewards Program, which is completely free, allows the Society to receive monies based upon our members' purchases. We encourage everyone to enroll their Kroger Plus cards and select the Jessamine County Historical & Genealogical Society as their preferred donation organization. The printable PDF instructions may be obtained by clicking here.
Grant Funds: We have been informed that you will see a new box you may check on your Kentucky State Income Tax form. It is now possible to designate a portion of your state income tax refund to the Kentucky Local History Fund. The Jessamine County Historical and Genealogical Society qualifies to receive grant funds from this fund, which is overseen by the Kentucky Historical Society. Please feel free to stop by the office for more information.
Membership Renewal: Please don't forget to renew your annual $20.00 membership. The total amount of your dues goes toward maintaining your Jessamine County Historical Society. Without you, we could not exist. If you have friends or family that are interested in Jessamine County, please encourage them to join the Society. Click on the Membership & Sponsorship tab for an application to either mail or drop off at our office.